Saturday, March 22, 2014

Missing Planes and Flying Unicorns

  Well I'm a bit late on this one, but fuck it.  So appearently some plane in Malaysia has gone missing. On board were a bunch of Chinese and I heard a couple Americans.  Not that it matters.  We all end up in the same dirt.  Anywho I can't watch the news without hearing about this crap.  Now, I realize people are probably dead because of this. But, I'll be happy to inform you that mcdonalds stock is doing well, despite, the fact that more people died of improper diet yesterday than in this dumb phantom plane.  Oh but does the news cover that? No.  They're more concerned about scaring potential flyers into pushing bills that will ultimately take away the few rights we have left.  Also, don't tell me there wasn't a perfectly traceable RFID chip somewhere on that plane.  That shits in my frickin food, so it sure as he'll better be in those planes.  
  So, morale of the story is this. If you're spoon fed your reality from a television you'll never get out of your high chair.  Unicorns aren't real.  Neither are ghost planes. Thank you.

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